Sunday, March 2, 2008

What a weekend!

An absolutely great weekend for hanging out with friends. Good times! Baseball games, outing at the lake, birthday party, the carnival, and just hanging out...

Here is a list of the top ten things I learned this weekend:

  1. The letter E on the baseball scoreboard stands for "Errors."
  2. Narnia is a country, at least that's what they say.
  3. When playing Scategories, any answer said with confidence is believable. (Ex. Did you know that there was such a thing as an Indian Fir Tree?)
  4. Carmex, my favorite lip balm that I'm addicted to, now comes in flavors!
  5. Grilling on a windy day is a very difficult task that even 10 girls could not accomplish it in over an hour.
  6. Never step in a pile of stickers. It's not a pretty sight... or a feeling probably.
  7. There is a machine out there that takes individual pictures of you and your significant other, then combines them to make a baby. Amazing!
  8. When cooking ravioli, be sure to put salt or vegetable oil with it so that they don't stick together.
  9. Never ride rides that go round and round with a bunch of kiddos. I wanted to puke on them.
  10. When I miss a ball in volleyball, just know that my mind thought I had it, but my body was too slow... (I actually did that several times Kelli!)

And now it's back to work tomorrow...

1 comment:

kelli said...

oh my gosh! that is HILARIOUS!