Monday, June 16, 2008

It's a small world after all

Yes, it is! A couple weeks ago, one of my co-workers in another department was talking about this credit union she used to work at in Japan. Come to find out, it was the same one I worked at, but she worked at a different branch. A branch that was about 8 hours away from us. She started working there a little after I did, but our time did overlap. Just recently, I was sorting through my pictures and came across some that were taken at a meeting we went to where all of the Japan branches had to take place. I remembered to pull this picture out today and looked at it to see if I could find her. Yup, there she was, standing 5 people away from me. How weird! I have probably met her before and we may have even had a conversation together at that meeting, yet we couldn't remember each other. Now, here we are... working again at the same place and this time, on the same floor... So yes, it is a small world (especially the military world.)

1 comment:

Bethany Hernandez said...

that is so weird, but in a cool way!