Thursday, June 19, 2008

While you were gone...

This week, my boss went on vacation. Everytime she goes somewhere, we tease her about how we are going to break all of the rules. We're going to chew gum, wear no pantyhose, eat at our desks, listen to unauthorized cd's and all of that stuff you're not supposed to be doing at work...

Well, we made a little surprise for her. Yesterday, we took pictures of each one of us doing something wrong and we made a little story book out of it. It's hilarious... I can't wait to see her reaction to it. It definitely gives us something to look forward to on Monday.

But even though we may like to "get her," the truth of the matter is, we are actually on our best behavior while she is gone. If you ever go by accounting while she is on vacation, you will find us working very diligently at our desks.

I wish I could post some of the pictures here, but they weren't taken on my camera.