Sunday, October 21, 2007


Here are 7 strange/ weird/ crazy things about me:

  1. In one week, I drink a total of 1 tall glass of actual water.
  2. To this day, I have not learned how to put make up on my face. As sad as it sounds, on the few special occasions that I have had to wear make up, my mom does it for me.
  3. I eat some really weird things. One of my favorites being a Filipino delicacy called balut. I would describe it on here, but I don't want to gross you out. Click here to see what it is. Ya, pretty disgusting, huh? Tastes a lot better than it looks.
  4. I don't like ranch dressing. (Maybe because I didn't grow up in Texas.) I know, how weird that I can eat that thing in number three, but can't dip some veggies in ranch.
  5. I have never mowed grass in my life. Or even done anything in the garden. It seems that everything I touch dies on me.
  6. I love to sing karaoke... but only when no one is around or listening.
  7. I've always dreamed of working on the top floor of those really tall glass buildings in the big cities. I still haven't figured out what they do up there, or even which big building I want to work in, but hopefully one day I'll find out. Even if I have to start out on the third floor.
There ya go! 7 things you may wish that you never knew about me. I stayed up too late to finish this.

Now I tag... whoever is left that hasn't done it yet!!!


Adri said... should have given a stronger warning with the balut! lol. I don't know how to wear make up, either. It's very sad.

La said...

I really enjoyed reading yours! Very interesting.....

I can do makeup but I lack the know-how on all the fancy stuff like eyeshadow and eyeliner crud. All of that mystifies me. I needed an older sister I guess!

Meems said...

I cannot believe you look that great without makeup. Let me go a day without makeup and people think I am sick. Really, they ask, are you sick?

N. used to work in a building like that. I won't tell you what he did so as to not ruin your dreams:)

F. F said...

I don't think I could ever get that balut down yuk, yuk, yuk!!!!

beautiful chaos said...

You're really cracking me up!
Do I need to keep an eye on the JAM room at snacktime? You wouldn't feed my son unborn baby duck would you?
Love it!
And yes, it's unfair that you don't wear make-up and you're still that beautiful!

Nanna's Place said...

Okay John and I want to know where you get the balut.....we used to live in the PI....Never met anyone here that really ate it. Amazing :0)

no_iffer said...

That is so disgustint! I am just sitting here with this "are you serious?" look on my face.

Okay, and you look amazing for no make up. Amazing!

And no ranch! Come on! :)