Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My attempt at singing...

Like I said in the post below, I am not a singer. I could not carry a tune to save my life. But tonight, after a bad day, Diamond wanted me to lay down next to her and sing her a song before bed. First we talked, then she said she was ready for music. I guess no matter how out of tune your mama is, she always sounds good enough to your ears to put you to sleep. I sang her one of my favorites, Chris Tomlin's "How Can I Keep From Singing." Then after a couple verses, I heard the sweet sound sound of my baby's deep sleep breaths - her soft sighs of relaxation and peaceful slumber. These sounds were so much more beautiful than the singing which preceded it. But still, these are the times I cherish. These are the times that have a special place in my heart. These are the times where we can look back and laugh at how silly life was at that particular moment.

Thank you, God for blessing me with an amazing daughter. Although growing times are learning times, I'm so happy to have her in my life. I would not trade it for anything.

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