So Diamond has been losing teeth like crazy this summer. So far, she has lost 5!!! I wanted to write about this before I forgot. Last Thursday, a bottom tooth was hanging on a thread with the permanent tooth already growing behind it. I knew it was bothering her because she constantly played with it. Wiggle, wiggle... wiggle with the tongue, wiggle with the lip, wiggle with the finger. But it was already midnight and I was trying to go to sleep and in the midst of all the silence... I could hear the sound of the wiggling. I don't know if many of you remember how that sounds, but it's not the most soothing sound to sleep to. So I told her... "Diamond, if you are going to continue to play with that tooth, you need to go sleep on the couch!" She stopped. Five minutes passed and I heard it again. I needed to be awake at 6 the next morning and all I could focus on was how tired I was going to be because I wasn't going to get enough sleep. So I felt bad for the couch comment and I moved myself to the couch...
I guess I eventually fell asleep. All of a sudden, I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. I started opening my eyes and here is Diamond standing in front of me with a tooth in her hand... "Mom, you can come move back to the bed now. I got my tooth out." It was 1:30 in the morning!!! My poor baby stayed up until that tooth came out because she knew she didn't want mommy to be mad at her. I wasn't going to be mad though, just a little tired at work. So a few minutes later, I finally decided to move back to my room and my baby was already crashed and there was a little note on my nightstand...
Boy... Did I feel horrible... I called the next morning when I knew she was awake and apologized... and the next night, the tooth fairy gave her $5.
how precious! that girl is such a cutie...and smart too, just like her momma :)
That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard in my life! I would have cried my eyes out. What a sweet little girl!
that makes me so sad...knowing one day my baby will be old enough to write me a cute little note like that!
she is so adorable!
that is so sweet. you do have a wonderful baby girl. i'm glad that tooth is gone.
she's just a diamond in the rough! Love that girl.
Don't feel so bad, I probably would have jerked it out for her!
Oh, and welcome!
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So glad you have joined us.
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