Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Being a mom is getting harder and harder. I know God never said it would be easy and it's not supposed to be. I'm sure it's one of the biggest challenges a woman has to face in life because it's an everyday learning experience. I want my child to be a sweet, little angel who obeys every single word I say without hesitation. I want my child to patiently wait on her mother's indecisiveness as she chooses which macaroni and cheese to buy. I don't want to have to argue with her about unimportant things, which I guess, may be more crucial life changing situations to an 8 year old.

I just feel tired. (Maybe if I was in bed rather than up late typing this blog, I wouldn't be tired, huh?)

Don't get me wrong. Diamond is a wonderful daughter. She is sweet, loving, and very thoughtful. She is so considerate of people around her, but she does have her moments - and they seem to be increasing on a daily basis. But she is also growing. She is learning to have a mind of her own with opinions about certain things... and I just don't know if I'm a big fan of that yet. She even has her own personal thoughts of who should be President of the United States. Sometimes I wonder if she's 28 stuck in an 8 year old's body - yes, I wonder if she is older than me... (I just laughed to myself as I typed that thought.)

I had to have a talk with her the other day. It breaks my heart to have to discipline her, but I know it is necessary. I actually gave up on all my other options that I finally had to throw Rock the Pumpkin in there. That crushes me because I know how much we all love to go and I would hate to go without her (only because I have volunteered to work, not because I would go without her just to be mean.) I know she is her own person, completely different from me as a child, but sometimes I just want to know she is going to grow up loving the Lord and knowing what is right and wrong. Although she didn't know, I heard her praying the other day and I'm so proud to know she talks to God the way she does.

I want to not only be a mother to her, but I also want her to know that I am her best friend. I don't want her to be afraid to tell me things and I always want her to know I love her unconditionally. She is my favorite daughter (ha ha) and I know this will pass. We're both growing and we're both learning...


mari said...

Not that I have just a ton of experience, but I think the key is to stay consistent. Eventually she'll see that your rules don't change and she'll learn to respect that. Personally, I think you're an awesome Mom! : )

Meems said...

It sure is all consuming. You've got quite the gem on your hands though. She knows your heart and from working with her...she certainly knows what's right. You are doing a wonderful job with her.